Please complete all fields.
Position you are running for: -- select -- Chairperson Nominating Chairperson Alternate Nominating Chairperson Health and Safety Representative Judicial Council Judicial Council Chairperson RA Agenda Committee RA Ombudsperson RA Rep to the Finance Committee BCFED Executive Council Canadian Teachers' Federation AGM delegate
First Name: Last Name:
Email: Local: -- select -- Abbotsford Teachers' Union (34) Alberni District Teachers' Union (701) Arrow Lakes Teachers' Association (10) Boundary District Teachers' Association (51) Boundary District Teachers' Association (51) Bulkley Valley Teachers' Union (54) Burnaby Teachers' Association (41) Burns Lake District Teachers' Union (55) Burns Lake District Teachers' Union (55) Campbell River District Teachers' Association (72) Cariboo Chilcotin Teachers' Association (27) Central Coast Teachers' Association (49) Central Okanagan Teachers' Association (23) Chetwynd Teachers' Association* (592) Chilliwack Teachers' Association (33) Comox District Teachers' Association (71) Coquitlam Teachers' Association (43) Cowichan Valley Teachers' Union (65) Cranbrook District Teachers' Association (2) Creston Valley Teachers' Association (861) Delta Teachers' Association (37) Fernie District Teachers' Association (1) Fort Nelson District Teachers' Association (81) Fraser-Cascade Teachers' Association (78) Gold Trail Teachers' Association (74) Golden Teachers' Association (18) Greater Victoria Teachers' Association (61) Gulf Islands Teachers' Association (64) Haida Gwaii Teachers' Association (50) Kamloops Thompson Teachers' Association (73) Kimberley Teachers' Association (3) Kitimat District Teachers' Association (80) Kootenay Columbia Teachers' Union (20) Kootenay Lake Teachers' Association* (862) Lake Cowichan Teachers' Association (66) Langley Teachers' Association (35) Mackenzie Teachers' Association* (572) Maple Ridge Teachers' Association (42) McBride-Valemount Teachers' Association* (573) Mission Teachers' Union (75) Mount Arrowsmith Teachers' Association (69) Nanaimo District Teachers' Association (68) Nechako Teachers' Union (56) Nelson District Teachers' Association (7) New Westminster Teachers' Union (40) Nicola Valley Teachers' Union (31) Nicola Valley Teachers' Union (31) Nisga'a Teachers' Union (92) North Okanagan-Shuswap Teachers' Association (83) North Vancouver Teachers' Association (44) Okanagan Skaha Teachers' Union (67) Peace River North Teachers' Association (60) Peace River South Teachers' Association (591) Prince George District Teachers' Association (571) Prince George District Teachers' Association (571) Prince Rupert District Teachers' Union (52) Princeton District Teachers' Union (17) qathet Teachers' Association (47) Quesnel District Teachers' Association (28) Revelstoke Teachers' Association (19) Richmond Teachers' Association (38) Saanich Teachers' Association (63) Sea to Sky Teachers' Association (48) SEPF (93) SEPF (93) Sooke Teachers' Association (62) South Okanagan Similkameen Teachers' Union (53) Stikine Teachers' Association (87) Sunshine Coast Teachers' Association (46) Surrey Teachers' Association (36) Terrace District Teachers' Union (881) Tumbler Ridge Teachers' Association* (593) Ucluelet-Tofino Teachers' Association* (702) Upper Skeena Teachers* (882) Vancouver Elementary and Adult Educators’ Society (391) Vancouver Island North Teachers' Association (85) Vancouver Island West Teachers' Union (84) Vancouver Secondary Teachers' Association (392) Vernon Teachers' Association (22) Vernon Teachers' Association (22) West Vancouver Teachers' Association (45) Windermere Teachers' Association (4)
Applicants may wish to provide, on a voluntary basis, information as to whether they self-identify as a member of one or more equity-deserving groups.
NOTE: If you are currently on sick leave and/or in receipt of Health and Wellness or SIP benefits, and expect to be so during any portion of the term of this position, your application will not be considered at this time. However, you are encouraged to apply to any Federation position at a future date.
Please note: Procedure 25.D.14 includes requirements that the agenda committee include members that identify according to specific criteria. An applicant may wish to provide, on a voluntary basis, information as to whether they self-identify according to this criteria.
Number of positions: One